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Pear grafting time and method practice

Time: 2019-08-20 00:33 Source: Yuhua Valley Flower Net Author: editor

In this article, let’s share a teacher’s practice of pear tree grafting. For pear trees, the golden period of pear tree grafting is after the Spring Festival. The pear tree grafting time in this article is February 9, 2019. Let’s take a look at the completeVersion of pear grafting method.

1. Grafting tools and materials

This kind of grafting, the tool is very important,  ̄ a new Nongyou brand 120 scissors, a piece of bluestone, and a good tensile film. After years of application, Nongyou scissors are very easy to use. Before using it, you must use bluestone to put the knife on the headGrind off the small slope so that it won’t slip when you cut the scion. Never use oilstone to grind the new scissors, otherwise the scissors will not work.

2. Cut the scion

First put the small blade on the cross section of the scion. The large blade is generally inserted from 2.5 cm, and the first cut is cut. The length of the blade is better. The diameter of the scion is more than 1 cm.

After cutting the first cut, turn the scion over and place the small knife head on the cutting plane as a fulcrum. The small knife head should be placed at the forefront and must be flat, and the big knife head should also be 2.5 cmInsert the knife at the place where the scion is cut, and cut the second knife. The scion should be slightly smaller inside, and if you take advantage of the strength of your hand, it will be thicker on the side.

3. Rootstock opening

Insert the knife from 1 to 3 mm from the edge of the cross-section of the rootstock. The big knife head should be inclined inward to one-third of the thickness of the rootstock as the standard. It is advisable not to exceed one-half of the total thickness.It is better to be longer than the length of the scion. Remember, it must not open in the middle of the rootstock, that is the old method, it splits naturally, the inside is not smooth, and the survival rate will be low. If you want to open this kind of bevel, it will be very smooth inside.The rate is high, especially strong.

4. Bandaging scion

Be sure to bandage tightly, not leak a little bit, first unfold the loquat film, and then wrap it together and use it as a rope. There are mainly three points, the top surface of the scion, the cross section of the rootstock, and the back of the rootstock.These three places must be tied tightly.

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