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Cultivation technology of Cassia seed

2013-08-12 07:27 Source: http: //www.flower-fans.com Author: Rank Name

Cassia seed is the dried mature seed of the leguminous annual herb Cassia or small Cassia. Cassia seed is also called grass cassia, sheep horn, horn, horseshoe cassia, also pupil, dog shit bean, fake mung bean, horseshoe, QianliLight, celery, lamb carob, wild green beans, pig bones, pig dung blue beans, fine leaf crotalaria beans, night lazi, lamb's tail beans. The taste is bitter, sweet and cool in nature. It has clear liver fire, dispel rheumatism, and beneficialFunctions such as improving eyesight by the kidneys.

Site selection, site preparation

It is advisable to choose flat land or sunny sloping land with good drainage and irrigation conditions, and avoid applying 2000 kg farmyard manure per mu for continuous cropping, with 60 kg superphosphate as base fertilizer. Deep turning, thinning and raking, making a 1.3-meter-wide flat border.


Propagation with seeds. In mid-to-late April, select seeds with full grains and no insects, soak them with new high-fat film in 50℃ warm water for 24 hours, remove them and dry them, and sown them in a trench at a row spacing of 60 cm.The depth of the trench is 5-7 cm. After sowing, cover with 3 cm soil, slightly suppress and water. Seedlings will emerge in 10-15 days. Use 2 kg per mu.

For example, covering with mulching film during sowing can significantly improve the yield and quality of cassia seeds.

Field Management

1Thinning, fixed seedlingThinning starts when the height of the seedlings is about 5 cm. When the height of the seedlings is 15 cm, the seedlings shall be fixed according to the spacing of 30-40 cm in combination with cultivating and weeding.

2Cultivation and weedingFrom the emergence of the seedlings to before closing the rows, weeds should be often weeded. After watering and raining, soil compaction should be cultivated in time. Pay attention to shallow hoeing between plants and deep hoeing between rows. When the seedling height is about 40 cm, the soil should be cultivated during the last cultivating.Lodging prevention.

3Top dressingBefore closing the line, combine soil cultivation and topdressing 1-2 times, apply 1000 kg farmyard manure per mu, add 15 kg urea, and water immediately after application.

4Drainage and IrrigationThe soil should be kept moist throughout the growing period, especially watering in time during droughts during flowering. Pay attention to drainage during the rainy season.

5Pest control should be sprayed according to plant protection measures to killPests and diseases, combined with spraying new high-fat film to enhance the efficacy; preparations for cold resistance in late autumn and early winter will lay the foundation for high yield and income in the coming year.


1 Cassia seed is an annual sturdy herb. It is advisable to choose flat land or sunny slope land with good drainage and irrigation conditions, and avoid continuous cropping. Deeply plow the land and raking it.

2. Propagation with seeds. Choose seeds with full grains and no insects, soak them with warm water and new high-fat film, which can repel underground diseases and insects, isolate virus infections, strengthen respiration, and increase the germination rate of seeds. Remove and let dryDry seeding. Spraying new high-fat film first and then covering with mulch film can significantly improve the yield and quality of cassia seed.

3 and time seedlings, fixed seedlings, cultivating weeding, soil and topdressing, reasonable irrigation and irrigation. And spraying Caiguo Zhuangdi Ling at the right time, strengthens the quality of pollen and fertilization, promotes fruit development, no deformities, no shells, no grains, and uniformGood, improved quality, continuous high yield.

4. Spray pesticides to kill pests and diseases according to plant protection measures, and combine with spraying new high-lipid film to enhance the efficacy; prepare for cold resistance in late autumn and early winter, laying the foundation for high yield and income in the coming year

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