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  • Easy to make rooting liquid Date:2013-05-11Click:2658

    The weather is getting warmer, the atmosphere is warming up, and it is a good season for cuttings. There are many cutting methods, and generally they like soil cutting or water cutting. But each person’s operation method is different; coupled with the difference in plant species,Rooting is easy and difficult, which makes the survival rate different. In order to properly solve this problem,...

  • Family flower arrangement makes it easy Date:2013-05-11Click:287

    The main points of family flower arrangement: Living room flower arrangement: The living room is the main place for activities today, used to receive relatives and friends. The flower arrangement in the living room must be warm and peaceful. It is required to be colorful, full and full; flower arrangement in the study: elegant and elegant, with dense branches and leaves.It makes people feel quiet and refreshing;...

  • Basic Flower Arrangement Date:2013-05-11Click:909

    Tracing the origin of flower arranging The origin of flower arranging art should be attributed to people's love for flowers. Through the fixation of flowers, expressing a kind of artistic conception to experience the truth and splendor of life. Chinese style flower arranging my country had the original flower arranging idea nearly 2000 years ago And the prototype. Flower arrangement became popular in the Tang Dynasty and became popular in the court. In...

  • Which flowers are suitable for leaf cutting? Date:2013-05-11Click:1492

    The leaf cutting method is suitable for flowers that can grow adventitious buds and adventitious roots on the leaves. For example, begonias, gloxinia, tigertail orchid, stone lotus, sungrass, ground roots, etc., can be propagated by leaf cutting. Leaf cuttings need to be selectedGrowing robust and fully mature leaves. When cutting the leaves of begonias, cut off the petioles and the tender parts of the leaf margins to...

  • Japanese flower arrangement appreciation picture Date:2013-05-08Click:1402

    Ikeboyu, a Japanese flower path, has a long history and has a tradition of more than 500 years. It originated in Japan, and its birthplace is said to be the Hexagon Hall built by Prince Shotoku....

  • How to extend the life of flower arrangement Date:2013-05-06Click:899

    Put a bunch of flowers in the vase to add a lot of novelty to the room, but the life of the flower arrangement is often not very long, and it is easy to wither. How can we extend the flowering period of the flower arrangement! 1 Reasonable water is to extend the life of the flower arrangementThe key. When arranging flowers, you should choose clean river water, rain water or pond water that is close to room temperature. If you use...

  • Selection of water temperature for bottled flowers Date:2012-06-29Click:560

    What kind of water is used for bottled flowers will undoubtedly have a certain impact on the life of the flowers. Use cold water or hot water? What is the ideal water temperature for bottled flowers? What is the reason? Let us focus on the following types of waterLet’s talk about what kind of water temperature is more suitable for bottle insertion. Ice water: The tube in the flower stem may be watered...

  • How to bottle foliage plants? Date:2012-06-11Click:1105

    Bottle planting of foliage plants is a new type of flower cultivation method. It is to plant foliage plants into large transparent glass bottles to make them a beautiful glass garden planting bottle.Glass bottle, choose wet-loving foliage plants suitable for bottle planting, such as calamus, small-leaf ivy, selaginella, maidenhair fern...

  • How to improve the survival rate of cuttings? Date:2012-06-09Click:967

    1 Choose good cuttings. The mother plant of the cuttings should have good quality, strong growth and no pests and diseases. On the same plant, choose the branches with the middle and upper part of the year to be sunny, requiring short internodes and leavesStrong and full bud tips. It is not suitable to choose the branches that are about to bloom and the long branches. On the same branch, insert hard branches...

  • How to perform branch cutting? Date:2012-06-09Click:744

    1 Tender cuttings. Also known as soft cuttings. Rhododendron, camellia, osmanthus, rose, plum, jasmine, rose, nandina, variegated wood, monstera, green radish, ivy and other flowers and trees and chrysanthemum, geranium,Dahlia, a bunch of red and other grass flowers are commonly used in this method. This method is used when the new shoots or branches are half mature, and the time is mostly in summer...