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Picture of Jiujielan

http://www.flower-fans.com Author: resembles a flower 2013-01-23Go to the Flower Forum to communicate
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Scientific name Huilan C.Faberi.Rolfe, commonly known as nine-section orchid, nine-head orchid, and nine-flower orchid. The roots are thick and long, and the false bulbs are not prominent. The leaves are 5-7, 25-80cm long, 1.0cm wide, Strong erection, with thick serrations on the edges, solitary flowers, prominent midrib, transparent, erect scapes, height 30-80cm, with 5-12 flowers, small bracts, flower diameter 5-6cm, light yellow-green,Fragrance, slightly inferior to Chunlan, petals slightly smaller than sepals, 3 lobes of the lips are not obvious, the middle lobes are long oval, with many small transparent papillary hairs, the ends are curled, the edges are short ciliate, the lips are white, and there areFuchsia spots, flowering period from February to March.

Picture: Picture of Jiujielan

Picture: Picture of Jiujielan

Picture: Picture of Jiujielan

Picture: Picture of Jiujielan

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