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White and picture

http://www.flower-fans.com Author: Network 2013-06-01Go to the Flower Forum to communicate
  • Chinese name:White and
  • Alternative name:Including grass, Gangen, Baigi, Rulan, Zhulan, etc.
  • Latin scientific name:Bletilla striata Thunb.ex A. Murray
  • Family:Orchidaceae Bletilla
  • Origin distribution:Henan, Shaanxi, Gansu, Shandong, Anhui

Baiji is a perennial herb, 20-50 cm high. The bases of the leaves overlap each other into a stem shape. The scape is drawn from the center. The raceme has several flowers, purple or light red. Flowering period April to May. Fruiting periodFrom July to September. There are thick rhizomes underground, like chicken heads, rich in viscosity, containing white and colloid, namely white and mannan, which can be used for medicinal purposes. It has the effect of hemostasis, nourishment, muscle growth and pain relief., Can also be used as a paste.

Picture: Baiji Picture

Picture: Baiji Picture

Picture: Baiji Picture

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